Sex Therapy in Seattle, WA

In the dynamic sphere of personal and relational intimacy, my practice for sex therapy in Seattle emerges as a forefront of innovation and empowerment. 

It is a sanctuary for those who wish to bravely explore the depths of their own sexuality, enhance the intimacy they experience, and courageously redefine the dynamics that shape their relationships.

Sex Therapy Seattle

Here, in this safe and nurturing space, your journey is honored with the utmost respect and confidentiality. The sex therapy I provide in Seattle is more than just a process—it's a transformative experience, designed to unlock the pathways to a more fulfilling and empowered sense of self.

My approach to sex therapy is grounded in a compassionate, evidence-based methodology that respects the uniqueness of each individual's experiences, desires, and goals. 

Understanding the complex nature of sexuality, I offer nuanced guidance that allows you to discover and express your needs and wants without fear or judgment. This space is not just for addressing sexual concerns but for celebrating sexual diversity and promoting personal growth. 


My practice  is built on the foundational belief that sexual well-being is a vital component of overall happiness for most people. My approach transcends traditional boundaries, providing a safe and affirming space where all forms of sexual expression and relational structures are respected and are able to be explored thoughtfully. 

By fostering an atmosphere of openness, sex therapy Seattle clients discover their authentic selves and forge deeper connections with their partners.

  • Embracing Diverse Sexualities: From exploring sexual orientation to processing past trauma, my practice welcomes LGBTQIA+ individuals and others across the spectrum of sexuality.

  • Redefining Relationships: Recognizing the uniqueness of each relationship, my work creates space for non-traditional relational structures, addressing the nuances of polyamory, ENM, kink, and BDSM with knowledge and sensitivity.

  • Sexual Health and Pleasure: Addressing issues like sexual dysfunction, low desire, and intimacy challenges, I guide clients toward fulfilling and joyous sexual experiences.

My Commitment

Confidentiality and trust are the cornerstones of my practice. I ensure that every therapy session is a confidential enclave where clients can freely express their concerns without fear of judgment. 

This commitment to discretion is matched only by dedication to providing customized care that honors each individual's journey.

  • Tailored Therapy Goals: Whether it's enhancing sexual desire, managing pelvic pain, or overcoming erectile difficulties, therapy is individually tailored to meet specific needs and desires.

  • Maintaining Privacy: Understanding the importance of privacy, especially for clients with public personas, I uphold the highest standards of confidentiality in all aspects of therapy.

  • Culturally Competent Care: I possess a culturally skilled perspective to serving individuals of various walks of life, addressing their unique challenges with empathy and humility.

  • Military Expertise: With a multi-generational military background, I understand the unique challenges that those who are serving or have served face.

Couples Therapy: Rekindling Connection 

Whether it’s reigniting the spark or navigating new terrains of pleasure, my expertise in couples therapy is unmatched as a Seattle sex therapist. 

As both an AASECT Sex Therapy Supervisor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy supervisor, I strive to support my community of therapists towards a more skilled and ethical practice when working with clients. Our clients deserve the best and I firmly believe in actively maintaining competency to serve our community better. 

My therapy sessions are more than conversations; they're stepping stones to greater intimacy and understanding.

Couples Counseling Seattle

My approach to couples counseling in Seattle is characterized by a unique blend of warmth and directness. Couples find themselves in a supportive environment where they can tackle challenges head-on, from communication breakdowns to mismatched sexual desires. 

My goal is not only to mend the fractures in a relationship but to strengthen it to become more resilient and connected than ever before.

  • Tailored Relationship Strategies: Employing techniques that vary from Gottman Method Couples Therapy to Emotionally Focused Therapy, I address the individual needs of each couple, always aiming for the most effective outcome.

  • Conflict Resolution: By equipping couples with tools to manage and resolve conflicts, clients learn to transform arguments into opportunities for growth.

  • Intimacy Enhancement: Addressing sensitive issues such as desire discrepancies and sexual dissatisfaction, guides couples toward a more satisfying sexual connection.

Sex Therapy in seattle

As a sex therapist in Seattle, my sex therapy sessions are a judgment-free zone where individuals and couples can learn to articulate their desires and explore their sexualities. I believe that sexual expression should be a source of joy and empowerment, and my methods reflect this philosophy.

  • Individual and Couples Therapy: Whether it's one-on-one or with a partner, I will provide the tools necessary to navigate sexual issues with confidence and clarity.

  • Pleasure-Focused Techniques: From exploring erogenous zones to understanding sexual response cycles,  this empowers individuals to maximize pleasure.

  • Communication Skills Building: Learning effective ways to communicate about sex, enables partners to express their needs and fantasies in a way that fosters understanding and excitement.

Sex Therapy for Individuals in seattle: Discovering Your Authentic Sexual Self

Individual therapy sessions offer a safe space for you to explore your sexual desires and confront any challenges you face. 

Whether it's addressing performance anxiety, navigating changes in sexual interest, or working through feelings of shame, I utilize an evidence-based and empathetic approach to help you move towards a more fulfilling sexual life.

  • Desire Exploration: By unraveling complex feelings around sexual desire, individuals understand and embrace their unique sexuality.

  • Performance Concerns: With sensitivity and clarity, I address issues like erectile dysfunction and orgasmic challenges, offering both psychological insights and practical guidance.

  • Identity and Orientation: For those questioning or seeking affirmation in their sexual identity or orientation, clients will experience a supportive environment for exploration and self-acceptance.

  • Confidence Building: By dismantling myths and fostering a positive attitude toward sex, individuals build the confidence needed for a healthy sex life.

  • Trauma-Informed Care: My therapy sessions are conducted with an acute awareness of trauma's effects, ensuring a non-triggering environment that fosters safety and trust.

  • Integrated Healing Strategies: Employing strategies from cognitive-behavioral therapy to solution-focused brief therapy, I offer a tailored approach to healing from sexual and relational trauma.

  • Empowerment Focus: The end goal of trauma recovery is empowerment, equipping you with the tools and resilience to reclaim your sexual autonomy and joy.

Therapy Modalities: Tailored Strategies for Comprehensive Care 

My eclectic approach to therapy allows for the seamless integration of various evidence-based techniques. 

This adaptable framework ensures that every session is personalized to the individual’s or couple’s unique situation, whether it’s for marriage therapy in Seattle or more specialized sexual counseling.

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): I employ CBT to help clients identify and change negative thought patterns that may be affecting their sexual and relational well-being.

  • Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP): In FAP, I guide clients through using the therapeutic relationship as a model for change they can take out into the real world and apply in those relationships they wish to grow and feel more powerful in shaping.

  • Gottman Method Couples Therapy: Having worked with the Relationship Research Institute, I incorporate the Gottman Method to assist couples in developing a deeper sense of understanding, appreciation, and communication.

  • Mindfulness Based Sex Therapy: One of the most impactful aspects of successful sex therapy is tied to folx learning to connect more deeply with their bodies and the messages their bodies hold. By teaching clients to be more attuned to their bodies through somatic and polyvagal techniques, in ways that generate a sense of safety and empowerment, clients are often able to feel more grounded in their pleasure and less controlled by pain or historical discomfort that has been accumulated over time.

Tailored to Individual and Couples’ Needs

Understanding that each client brings their own story and set of challenges, I am well-versed in adapting my therapy sessions to meet a diverse range of needs. 

My role as a Seattle marriage therapist and sex coach enables me to offer a comprehensive suite of services that address various aspects of relationships and sexual health.

  • Sex Therapy Specialty: From desire discrepancies to sexual dysfunctions, my specialized training in sex therapy provides the tools needed to navigate complex sexual issues.

  • Couples Counseling Approach: Couples therapy and counseling sessions are designed to rebuild trust, enhance intimacy, and strengthen the bond between partners.

  • Individualized Care: Every therapy plan is thoughtfully constructed to resonate with the individual's or couple’s goals, lifestyles, and personal growth trajectories.

FAQs About Sex Therapy in Seattle

Who tends to benefit most from working with me? 

My direct yet empathetic style resonates with those ready for change and who value a therapist who can handle candid discussions without discomfort.

What is the expected duration of therapy? 

Therapy is tailored to each individual’s or couple’s unique needs, with progress checks to ensure effective and productive sessions.

Is my expertise limited to sex therapy? 

While sex therapy is a specialty, I am adept at addressing a broad spectrum of mental health issues, leveraging my extensive experience to support a wide range of concerns.

How does my practice ensure confidentiality in therapy? 

Upholding the strictest confidentiality standards, set by HIPAA and my professional code of ethics, I provide discreet services with your privacy and confidence in mind. Seattle is a small city filled with smaller communities of people. I work diligently to explore, with my clients, the places and spaces they inhabit to insure that what is shared in session doesn’t leave the session unless mandated by the state as informed consent is sexy and having plans for overlapping communities is prudent.

Your Partner in Sexual and Relational Growth 

In my practice, the essence of my sex therapy services in Seattle is to awaken and nurture the potential within your personal and shared sexual experiences. 

Recognizing that sexual wellness is an integral part of your overall well-being, I am dedicated to guiding you through a transformative journey with your connection to self and those in your community. 

This journey is not just about overcoming challenges; it's about exploring the depths of your desires, understanding your needs, and fostering a deeper connection with yourself and your partner(s). 

My approach is tailored to meet you where you are, whether you're seeking to rekindle passion, navigate complexities in your sexual relationship, or simply explore aspects of your sexuality that have yet to be uncovered.

I invite you to reach out and connect with me today. Rediscover the joy and richness of your sexual self and deepen the connection in your relationships. 

Each journey begins with a single step, and your first step towards a more empowered, intimate, and fulfilling life starts with scheduling a consultation. 

Embrace this opportunity to transform your sexual and relational well-being. Let's explore the possibilities and unlock the full potential of your intimate life.